North Sussex Development Competition
Venue Greenway School, Horsham (RH12 2JS)
Date/Time Sunday 29th January, 2023 (10am-1pm)
Cost £8 per player
For HTTC and CCTTC junior players of all ability/experience levels, plus selected invited adults to challenge stronger juniors
Format Plenty of games for all in ability-based groupings. Medals to win.
Organisers Ian Ford (HTTC), Brett Holt (CCTTC), Amila Thilikarathne (CCTTC)
Entry Method Complete and submit e-form below
Entry Deadline Sunday 15th January
Contact Ian Ford / 07764 146338 OR
Brett Holt / 07955 239389
Please complete the form below to make a manual booking and undertake bank transfer payment within 48 hours of its submission
Account for transfer payment:
Horsham Table Tennis Club, account number 62117033, sort code 60-11-17
Submissions will be stored in our database in accordance with our privacy policy.