Horsham District Primary Schools Year 1+2 Mini Cross Country (500m) Competition | |
CATCHMENT AREA | · Any primary school in the Horsham District |
VENUE | · Schools run their own scoring event |
AGE/GENDER/ELIGIBILITY | · Year 1+2 pupils in any gender balance |
TEAM SIZE/ENTRY | · As many pupils in the school who want to participate |
DATES/TIMES | · Submit scores by email by 30 June 2025 at latest . Scores can be achieved any point in the school year |
COST | · £1.25 per child administration and certificate fee |
WEATHER CONSIDERATIONS | · Under school management |
KIT CONSIDERATIONS | · Under school management |
PARKING | · Not applicable |
ETHOS/FAIR PLAY | · Fun and participation towards early athlete development · Results only published within community of participating schools · Done under school’s own fair play policies |
RULES | · Children should undertake 5 laps of a 100 metres course · Course can be square (equal sides of 25m) or rectangular (eg 2 x 30m and 2 x 20m) but should be four corners of 90 degrees each to ensure some level of consistency between schools whilst allowing a level of adaption to the space available on different school grounds · We recommend doing the run on grass but an outdoor tarmac area can be used in exceptional circumstances. Indoor space will be insufficient for this circuit · Times should be recorded to the nearest second · Children are allowed to practice the run as many times as they want (eg over a number of weeks) before making a commitment to the time achieved on a designated competitive run being recorded as their event submission |
EVENT MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS | · The more children that race at the same time the more challenges are presented for timing and recording them, notably checking that each child has done the right number of laps and ensuring the right time is attributed to the right child. Therefore breaking a class down into smaller groups likely to be the best approach · Using a stopwatch with lap timing functionality will be necessary and requiring children to stand in finishing position order (perhaps using numbered cones) once they go through the finish line will allow for the correct attribution of stopwatch times · Lap counting will be aided by children practising the run and this aspect. Another idea is to pair each runner with a non-running partner who counts and shouts out each lap completed |
CONTACT PERSON / FEEDBACK | · Ian Ford – Ian@horshamsportsservices.co.uk / 07764 146338 |
BOOKING LINKS/DEADLINE | · Email Ian@horshamsportsservices.co.uk so we know you’ll be taking part. No entry deadline as such but consider scores should be submitted to Ian.ford@horsham.gov.uk by 30/6/25 at latest to count |