#TimeTogether Campaign to Inspire Teenage Girls and Mums to Reconnect by Getting Active

The covid pandemic has seen a reduction in activity levels for both teenage girls and their mum’s while time spent online has soared. #TimeTogether is back, encouraging and inspiring teenage girls and their mums/mother figures to reconnect and get active together.
New research from Women in Sport reveals 89% of girls believe that being physically active is important for feeling good about themselves but over half of girls (55%) have lost confidence in their sporting ability since lockdowns began (Covid Attitudinal Research, July 2021).
Throughout the month of October, #TimeTogether celebrates how being active together makes daughters and mums/mother figures feel happier, stronger and healthier. The campaign inspires daughters and mums to discover a new way of spending time together, by being active, dancing together, walking together, climbing together, swimming together. 

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Source: Women In Sport