Charity Releases Landmark Research as it Looks to the Class of 2035

The Youth Sport Trust has published The Class of 2035: How sport can empower a generation. The study, carried out by Foresight Factory, warns of significant inequalities in young people’s engagement with sport and exercise, particularly among those from poorer backgrounds. It calls for young people to be given a greater say in provision, and more opportunities to lead sport among their peers.

Using detailed insights from young people and experts across education health and sport, the study set out how a generation’s engagement with PE and school sport could evolve between now and 2035. It builds on the findings of the Youth Sport Trust’s original Class of 2035 report published in 2015.

The Class of 2035 study concludes that if more young people recognise the benefits of sport and play, and are empowered to lead and influence its delivery, it could not only drive-up participation and improve their health but also contribute to social mobility and foster a greater sense of belonging.

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Source: Youth Sport Trust